The other important use of linear regression is as a statistical test of significance. If we know the equation of the best-fit line we can plug numbers into it to calculate the predicted value. In the example, we might like to predict how fast the tail will be wagged given a treat which is a size that we didn't specifically measure. One important use of linear regression is predictive. When we fit the best line through the points of a scatter plot, we usually have one of two goals in mind.

(There is another chart type that Excel makes which does that - don't use it!) The name of the process used to create the best-fit line is called linear regression. In scientific graphs, one almost never "connects the dots". That's why another name for trendline is best-fit line. It may or may not actually pass through any particular points. You should notice that the trendline is the best line that fits through the points. In the example above, we had Excel calculate and plot a linear trendline through the points.